
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Room 14 want to wish
Prince William and Catherine
a beautiful wedding day
and a long, happy life together. 

"Love is in the air!"

Miss B's drawing of the happy couple.

Miss B's cartoon showing the 'balcony scene.'

Monday, April 25, 2011


Today is ANZAC Day, a sombre and reflective day to remember the many Australians and New Zealand servicemen and women who served during World Wars I and II, but also more recent conflicts including those of the present time.

To remember the fallen soldiers we lay wreaths and pay our respects at ANZAC services.  We wear red poppies and then place them at the cenotaph as a sign of gratitude at the price many have paid for our freedom.  We hear many terrible stories of war and loss, the sounds of 'the last post' which is played to farewell a fallen soldier and see the parade of servicemen and women wearing medals of bravery and service.  It is a day to remember the horrors of war, and a time to pray for peace in the world.

Miss B took the wreath our class made to the ANZAC service at the War Memorial Hall in Whakatane and was able to leave it there with other floral tributes.  Here are some photos of the ANZAC Day service there.

Three pipers lead the servicemen and women into the ANZAC service.

Cadets keep watch over the ceremony.

Dignitaries, incuding military personel, the town mayor, councilors and government officials attend the service.

Crowds of people gather together to show their respects to those who have and are serving our country.

A brass band provides background music and accompanies the hymns and national anthem.

Wreaths are laid to remember the fallen.  Our class wreath is at the front.

The 'last post' is played in memory of those who have perished.

The returned servicement march out after the service to a round of applause.

ANZAC poppies are placed that the cenotaph.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Today was the last day of Term 1.  We celebrated by having a Mufti Day, ice cream and a sausage sizzle!  We hope everyone has a lovely, restful break.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Letters From Christchurch

After the Christchurch earthquake in February we wrote letters to some people there who were affected by it.  We wanted them to know that we were thinking of them and supporting them.  This week we received some replies to our letters from a lovely lady S.  Here are some delighted students holding their letters.

We Will Remember Them

Today Miss B read us the New Zealand story 'Grandad's Medals' by Tracy Duncan and we discussed the sacrifice of so many soldiers who fought to win freedom for us in many wars.  Some soldiers died as they fought but others survived the horrors of war and live with the memories.  The grandad in the story survived the war but he was very sad every ANZAC Day as he remembered the mates he lost.

We made poppies to go on our wreath which will be laid at a cenotaph on ANZAC Day. 
"We will remember them."

Continuing a Pattern

The Stars Maths group were working on continuing a number pattern.  It was pretty tricky to solve the rule for this pattern but it was much easier when they made a table!

Maths Challenge

Almost every day we have a Maths Challenge in our classroom.  We have a ladder of names and when our names are chosen we can challenge someone who is one, two or three people above us on the ladder!  Because of our challenge we are improving our basic faces!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Descriptive Writing - Animals


Snakes are types of animals.

Snakes are long and skinny.  They look like a lizard.  Snakes have no legs.  They live in the zoo or forests and big snakes eat small animals.  Snakes are my favourite animal in the world.  I like snakes because they crawl and the other part I like about snakes is when they go "Ssssssssssssssssssss!"  Snakes are one of the poisonous animals.  Snakes can be green, brown, yellow or orange in colour.  In the zoo snakes crawl everywhere.  Another kind of snake is white, red and black.  Some snakes are light orange. 

I like snakes because they look like shoe laces.  I also like snakes because they sound like a bus door opening!



A lion is a type of animal.

Lions look realy cool.  The lion is the king of the jungle.  Lions are realy dangerous because they eat meat.  Lions can catch giraffes, zebras, pigs and any other animal.  The lions eat like monsters, but before they eat, they must kill their prey.  People are afraid of lions because they are scary. 


Friday, April 8, 2011

Doug the Digger

We listened to the story of Doug the Digger from the CD.  It was really great to hear the story again and read along with it as well. 

We think Mr Mac's story was very creative and we liked it how the storyline involved a problem followed by a solution.  We liked the illustrations too.  We don't usually see diggers and trucks in stories and the pictures of them were clever as they all had faces! 

Mr Mac made his story very interesting by using a narrator with an interesting voice.  He also used a musical accompaniment to the narration.  Parts of the story were fun to join in with because of the rhyming words. 

Thanks Mr Mac for writing such a inspiring story!  We learned more about the importance of listening from your book.

Rangitoto Art-work

Today we were learning how to shade from light to dark using acrylic paint.  Miss B told us to start painting from the lightest colour, then paint the darkest colour.  After that we paint where the two colours meet.

We painted the background for our Rangitoto Island landscape.  This is what our backgrounds looked like.


Later, when our backgrounds were dry we used a stensil to paint Rangitoto Island.  We also painted a foreground and some trees.  We love the art we made!  Do you?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mr Mac Returns

Lucky Room 14!  Today we were given a surprise visit by Mr Mac and his big truck.  He was impressed by our class and wanted to come and thank us for listening to his talk at Assembly on Monday. 

When Mr Mac came to our classroom we told him what we loved about his book 'Doug the Digger' and then we gave him some thank you letters that we had prepared.  Mr Mac LOVED our letters and couldn't believe how neat and tidy our handwriting is!  He said that he will put some of our letters into his special newsletter that goes to all his supporters. 

After Mr Mac read our letters he took us to see his big blue truck. 

Mr Mac let SB press the button to open up the sides of the truck. 
When we looked in we saw Mr Mac's digger called 'Little Cutie' which he takes to shows!

Mr Mac let us all climb into the cab of his truck. 
He even let JT put on his glasses and hold the truck radio so she would look like a real truckie!

We think Mr Mac is a really cool guy and want to thank him for coming to see us today.  We LOVED his visit and hope he can come and see us again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3D Shapes

This week we are learning how to make and describe 3D shapes.  Miss B bought a lot of packages to school and we are learning to name them all. 

You can see various 3D shapes in the picture - cubes, cylinders, square prisms, rectangular prisms, an octagonal prism and a triangular prism.  See if you can identify the 3D shapes!

Today some of us made nets from the boxes.  A net is the pattern for a 3D shape.  Here is the net of a triangular prism:

Here are some other 3D shapes.
 RD shows off his triangular prism while RD constructs her square prism and AD makes a cube.

 DO has made a square pyramid and Mrs K made an impressive hexagonal prism as well as a cube.
  A cube, triangular prism and a square pyramid.

A triangular pyramid.

Here are some students making nets for 3D shapes.

Can anyone help KL name the 3D shape she has made?