
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Duffy Role Model Assembly

Today a special guest came to our school in his big truck to promote reading.  We were excited because today's visitor was a real-life author.  Mr Mac (Alistair McIntyre) has written a children's book called 'Doug the Digger'.  Today he told us that his story was inspired by his childhood love of bulldozers and diggers and his work in the contracting and landscaping field.

Although Mr Mac is a published author, he hasn't always been good at reading and writing.  In fact, Mr Mac said that when he left school he could barely read and write.  This was because he often skipped school and even when he was at school he didn't apply himself in the classroom. 

Mr Mac had an accident when he was 25 and his arm was crushed.  This made working very difficult for him.  Mr Mac began dreaming about writing a book but he was scared that he wasn't good enough to write a book.  That didn't put him off trying!  Mr Mac went back to school - even though he was a grown up man!  He studied hard, bought a dictionary (the best book he's ever bought) and started writing his story.    'Doug the Digger' was printed in 2000. 

Mr Mac says that even if you're not very good at something you should be proud of what you can do.  In time you WILL improve!  Don't give up!  Always give things a go, 'cause "If you snooze, you lose!"

Mr Mac presented each class with their Duffy Books.  We were so excited to get our books! 
We will be reading them tonight at home.


  1. Dear Miss B,
    I love the way that everyone smiles with their books in font of them. Some of the students look crazy in this picture!

  2. I like all of your Duffy books they look awesome. I love it!

  3. Hi Miss B! Room 14's Duffy Books are awesome. I wish I was on the blog so badly. Well, it's too bad. Anyway the pictures are nice because everyone was smiling. Do you remember when Mr Mac said to dance with him in front of everybody? I still remember! UM

  4. Hi Miss B!
    Our Duffy Books look divine and awesome! Anyway some people look like they like reading Duffy Books! Do you remember when you were dancing with Mr Mac? I like all of your Duffy Books. They look cool!!!

  5. MISS B,


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