
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Royal Mail!

Today we got a real surprise because Miss B showed us a very, VERY special letter.  On the front it had a crown and it was stamped 'Royal Mail' from Buckingham Palace!  Wow!  When we saw it we were so surprised!

Inside the letter was a personalised message
from the office of TRH the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
thanking us for the pop-up book
we sent them to celebrate their wedding day.

Also enclosed was a postcard of the royal couple!

We were so delighted to receive such a lovely message
and picture of our favourite royals. 
It was a great surprise and just made our day!
(To be honest we didn't think we'd get a reply.)

You can see pictures of the pop-up book we sent to the royal couple
in the archives of our blog.


  1. nice room 14 royal mail

  2. AHHHHHH!! When we first got that royal mail I was looking at the crown and the E and the R and then I thought to myself "I think the crown stands for Queen and the E stands For Elizabeth and the R stands for Royal."

    Hey Miss B what did Mrs S say about our royal mail?

    Hi JT,
    Mrs S was very impressed with both our pop-up book and our royal mail! She wanted all the staff to see it and said that the Board of Trustees should hear about it too. That's neat isn't it?
    Miss B

  3. Yeah, it is neat!

    I really want to come back to school!! When we come to school can we talk about our holiday and who we want to vote for to be our Prime Minister? I'll be crazy if there were a lot of people who vote for Labour beacuse I love, love LABOUR!!!! JT

    Hello JT! We will most definitely talk about our holidays the All Blacks and the elections when we return to school on Tuesday! Miss B

  4. Than you for writng back. Sorry if I'm writng too many comments for you to answer back. Is it OK if the people that are supposed to be on the computer on Monday have their turn on Tuesday because of the Labour weekend? If it's a no it's OK. JT

    Hello JT. I love getting your comments and questions and I can tell that you are ready to come back to school again! I think we need to keep to the computer timetable when we return to school or our whole week will be messed up. Miss B


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