
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Victory parade for our All Black champions

Today Aucklanders had a celebratory victory parade for our rugby world champions!  It has been estimated that 200 000 to 250 000 Aucklanders were there to congratulate their sporting heroes and see the Webb Ellis Cup. 

This is why we are celebrating -

The parade started early in the afternoon with thousands of Aucklanders finding places vantage points all along Queen Street.  Volunteers, dressed in blue appeared first.

Fans were dressed in black, some draped in flags, others dressed in unique costumes but all showing their support for the BLACK team!

Street performers entertained the crowd.

The fans were delighted to see their All Black heroes appear on the back of utes. 

The biggest cheer went up for captain Richie McCaw as he held up the Webb Ellis Cup. 

 What a way to celebrate a championship!
Well done All Blacks!


  1. Hello there
    I am very impressed with your blog! I can tell just by viewing your work that you guys have prepared to put time into learning. You can succeed if it matters enough to you. Keep up the fantastic learning! Kia Kaha! Go the ABs - Ye-ah!!!
    Mrs T

  2. Wow! what lovely photos you have Miss B

  3. Wow! Miss B what nice photos u have


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