
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Our first week at school

Well, we've survived our first week at school for 2011!  We have had such a fun time getting to know each other and how our teacher would like us to interact.  We've done some activities that have helped us to work as teams, and others that have helped our teacher know more about us. 

Our teacher gave us a multiple choice test on the second day of school!  It was a test about her!  We learned a lot about her.  We learned that she is the eldest in her family, likes green, has lived in South Korea and that she wakes up at 5:30am every day.  For homework we had to make a similar test for Miss B to do.  We tried to make really hard questions for her to answer but she was smart!  She got some right!  Now she knows lots more about each of us.

Our class is like a whanau, a family.  Our teacher is like our mother and we are all like brothers and sisters.  We come from many places - New Zealand, Australia, Samoa, Tonga, Jordan, Fiji, and the Philippines.  Even though we come from lots of different backgrounds we are going to enjoy learning, working and playing together.  We want our classroom to be a happy place!  Our teacher helped us to make an agreement or a treaty and we signed it to show that we would follow the classroom rules.  We thought of ways that we could help to make our classroom a happy place.  Miss B is going to give us our jobs on Monday morning.  We're looking forward to finding out what our responsibilities will be!

I hope Miss B will upload some photos of our 'All About Me' art and our 'Favourite Numbers' poster.  They are our first classroom displays for the year.  Our room looks pretty blank and empty at the moment but we will fill it up with lots of work real soon. 

This term we will be studying WAI, the springs of life.  We have already learned that 'wai' means 'water' in Te Reo Maori and have made a list of all the places where we can find lots of water.  We thought of lots of places to find water!  Even the toilet has water!  Maybe you can help us find some more places.  Could you leave your ideas for us to see please?! 

Here are some photos of our classroom.  Miss B has tried to make everything look neat and tidy for us.  We are going to work hard to keep our room looking good.

Well, that's all for Week 1!  See you next week!

PS  Here is a photo of our All About Me artwork.  Doesn't it look nice inside our marae shape?

Miss B hopes that the children who started school late this year can hurry and complete their pictures too as we have lots more room at the top of our marae for more great art.  The sign on the bottom of our display says "We are many, we are one, we are whanau." 


  1. Hello Room 14! 'Wai' means water in the Fijian language too! Over in Fiji they are interested in water for safety reasons. Mr S

  2. Hi Miss B. It's S again. I want to say one more thing to you. I love your class because we get to do art. I hope you send me a comment. Anyways bye Miss B. See you on Wednesday.

  3. Thanks ST for your comment! I love hearing about the things you like about Room 14. We will do lots of art this year because it is my favourite subject! See you tomorrow - miércoles! Hasta luego. (See you later!)
    Miss B


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