
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, February 28, 2011

World Maths Day - 1 March

Did you know that March 1st is World Maths Day?  This year all the Room 14 children are registered to take part in the event through the following website  http://www.worldmathsday.com/

During our ICT time tomorrow (Tuesday) we will play some maths games on that website and compete against other students from all around the world live!  Each game we play will take 60 seconds and we can play up to 100 games and earn points as we go!  The World Maths Day official competition runs for 48 hours, for as long as it is 1 March somewhere in the world.  (You can play the maths games at home too as long as you have an internet connection available.)  There are prizes to be won, including gold medals for the top mathematicians in each age range!  That's worth competing for I think!

Parents, if you are interested, you too can register (it's free) for World Maths Day!  There is an age range for you - 19-119!  Go on!  Have a go!  Go to http://www.worldmathsday.com/ and click on 'register' - but do it fast because 1st March will be over before we know it!

Watch out!  It is World Spelling Day this Thursday, 3rd March! 

1 comment:

  1. Here is some interesting information about World Maths Day:

    World Maths Day 2011 statistics

    191 Nations represented
    32,513 Schools participated
    1,180,272 Students participated
    428,598,214 Questions correctly answered


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