
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cupcakes for the last day of the term!

Today was the last day of Term 2 so we are now half way through our school year!  Wow!  The year has gone by in a hurry but we've been working so hard we've hardly noticed. 

We get to have two weeks break from school but some of us think our holidays will be boring and would much rather stay at school.  This surprises our teacher because she always enjoys holidays, especially the chance to sleep in!

To celebrate the end of the term we wore mufti and our Teacher Aid, Mrs K baked cupcakes for us.  She brought them to our classroom this morning as a surprise.  They were so delicious.  ST gave Mrs K's cupcakes a score of ten out of ten for deliciousness!  HMMmmmmmm!

1 comment:

  1. These were yummy! I asked myself to ask my mum to make some cupcakes like Mrs K's cupcakes and I thought "Oh no!" because she was fast asleep. And I'm like "STINK!"



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