
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Matariki is the celebration of the Maori New Year.  Matariki can mean 'eye of God'.  We know Matariki has started when the stars called The Seven Sisters appear early in the morning.  Celebrations for Matariki last several days.  Maori people enjoy kite flying and have a hangi to celebrate the new year.  Maori people also use that time to remember all those who have died in the past year. 

Our school celebrated Matariki at the end of Term 2 by making and flying our own kites, then having a shared lunch in our classrooms.  We made our kites using bamboo skewers, plastic bags, strings and tape.  We practiced flying our kites but we didn't have enough wind so we had to run fast to make them fly well!  Unfortunately some kite strings got tangled up but we managed to fix them in time to fly them again on our real Matariki celebration day when there was plenty of wind. 

We loved flying our kites so much that we flew them on other days too.

1 comment:

  1. I just loved celebrating Maori Day (MATARIKI DAY) It was really fun because we got to make kites and fly them. Well, we needed a bit more wind to fly our kites!



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