
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guy Fawkes - Descriptive Writing

Here are some descriptions of Guy Fawkes, which we recently celebrated with our families on November 5.

Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day is a day for celebrating a man that was trying to blow up a building but failed.  Guy Fawkes Day is held on November 5th every year.

Fireworks smell like burning fire and if you touch them you will get burnt because they are very hot.  They are dangerous to touch.  Only adults should light fireworks.

You can let off fireworks at the park or watch them in the city.  Some fireworks are cheap and some can be expensive.  Some cost $50.

If you want to light your fireworks you have to give them to a grown up that is older than you.  You also need to use a lighter or matches to light your fireworks.

There are different kinds of fireworks, for example, the Big Boom Box, the Sparkler Box and the Roman Candle Box.

I think Guy Fawkes was a bad man because he tried to blow up a building.  I think we should not celebrate Guy Fawkes because he was bad.  We should celebrate something good.



Fireworks are something that we light for Guy Fawkes, birthdays, the Rugby World Cup and parties.

Fireworks look like 3D circle shapes and in the circle there are five to twenty holes.   Some fireworks are long and fat.  Some are skinny and short.  Fireworks smell like fuel, lava or oil.

Some fireworks are sold in the Warehouse, Pak n Save, Bad Boy Fireworks shops, KMart, Countdown and at Dressmart.  Fireworks normally cost up to $100 but, for example, in some shops they cost $200-300.

I think we need fireworks to celebrate.


Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes is on November 5th every year.  Some people get their fireworks at shops, for example, from the Warehouse, K Mart and other shops.  Some fireworks are $20, $50 $100 and some are more than $100.  There are different types of fireworks, like the Boom Box or the Earthshaker.  You must light up the fireworks safely so you don't get hurt.  Lots and lots of people did fireworks last weekend.  Some people use fireworks for celebrations at other times of the year, for example, New Year and Christmas.  I think Guy Fawkes is fun for everyone.


Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day is a celebration that remembers how Guy Fawkes failed to blow up the politicians in a building in London, England.

Because Guy Fawkes failed and died, people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day.

Guy Fawkes Day happens each year on November 5th in England and New Zealand.

I think that Guy Fawkes Day is an historical celebration about Guy Fawkes.


1 comment:

  1. Hey AD! Are you still rich? I just asking! You're lucky you're still a Middle School student. I miss Middle School. :( I kind-of like Senior School. JT


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