
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Learning about division

We have been learning what the division symbol really means 'shared between'.  We have been solving some division problems using Maths equipment.


  1. I always practice writng my division on my piece of paper and I go to my dad and my dad checks it. My score was 10 out 10! I got $5 for getting all of them right and that is because of you Miss B. We LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. JT

    That's fantastic JT! I'm so proud of you because you are practicing what you have been learning at school. You will continue to improve lots if you do that! Well done. I'm missing you all too but I feel happier when I hear news from you. Email me sometime!
    Miss B xx

  2. We are having a good time with Mrs T. Now she always tell us jokes. Me SF DO LU and TP go to Sarah, Mrs Roborg's daughter. She teaches us how to listen and about friendship. We are going to get a reward if we get on with each other.

    It's good to hear that you are working on your relationships and how to solve problems with others. Room 14 will be a more peaceful place if you can resolve your differences nicely! Miss B

  3. I am good at all my multiplication facts up to 12x and I know my division facts too. I like Maths. JT

    Well done JT! Were you practicing your multiplication and division facts during the holidays? I'm sure Mrs P will love to see your Basic Facts test results very soon! Are you going to have Mathletics again this year? Miss B


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