
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tchau Miss B

Our teacher is leaving us today.  She is going to Brazil.  Jo has been waiting there for her for two years and he can't wait to see her again!  We are going to miss our teacher.  Luckily we have a nice teacher who will take care of us until the end of the year.  Miss B is very pleased about that too.

We made little New Zealand and Brazil flags so that we can remember where Miss B is going. 
We need to learn a lot more information about Brazil. 

What did Miss B teach us?
-She taught us how to make a Powerpoint.
-We learnt how to stand up in front of our classmates and give a short speech.
-We learnt how to do blogging!
-She taught us that one of the largest waterfalls in the world is in Brazil.
-We learnt that the words on the Brazilian flag mean 'order and progress'.
-We learnt how to solve division problems.
-We learnt how to describe 2D and 3D shapes and give their names.
-We learnt how to make sgaffito art and we did etching on metal too.
-She taught us how to write using paragraphs.
-She taught us lots of songs.

What was the favourite thing we did this year with Miss B?
-decorating our room for the Rugby World cup
-having Black-Out day to support the All Blacks.
-doing the Maths Challenge
-learning about synonyms and antonyms and other descriptive words.
-learning how to form questions.
-doing Mystery Bag.
-doing art, especially painting.
-learning about Thinking Keys especially the 'What if...?' question
-learning about the Rugby World Cup
-learning about how to solve division problems.


  1. I really miss you Miss B. When you were gone the whole of the class were crying except the boys. How are you doing in Brazil? I was crying because you left last Thursday. We remembered you were going on Thursday. Mrs T is very strict. Room 14 says 'We don't like her' and I told Room 14 not to say that because it is not nice and they all got angry at me and then said to agree with them but to me Mrs T is kind to me. And they agree with me. After we got on well with each other and with Mrs T. We don't do Mystery Bag anymore because D.O doesn't bring the Mystery Bag. She forgets it! Our school garden has flowers growing and they beautiful. I always look at card that you gave me and I cry because you are the best teacher. We LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! I hope you are safe there in Brazil and you and Jo have a nice trip. We have no more problems in Room 14. JT

    Hi there JT and Room 14. I am enjoying being in Brazil with Jo and his family but I miss you as well. Every morning I wake up at 6am just as the sun is coming up. My body still thinks I have to get ready to go to school! I hope you will enjoy the few weeks you have together this year. Mrs T is doing her best to make the classroom a safe place for you. Please be kind to her. If you follow her instructions you will have a happier time. Miss DO, you need to bring the Mystery Bag to school!!!! Hmmmm... Where did you put it?! Love you guys! Miss B xx

  2. Thank you for teaching me Miss B


  3. Hey Miss B! I went on Facebook and I went on yours and I saw you and Jo and Georgia putting your heads inside a taniwha's head. Hhahahhaha!!! Lol!!!! I have a question. Are you safe in Brazil? Because I'm worried about you because you might not be a teacher when you come back to visit us. I hope you live happily ever after. Have you seen Room 11's blog? It is AWESOME and COOL.
    JT Lol!!!xx

    Hello JT! I'm very safe here in Brazil. Jo looks after me and makes sure that I go to safe places with him or with someone from his family. Every house here has a tall fence and many houses have guard dogs too. I have angels to look after me! ... I will go and have a look at Room 11s blog now.
    Take care! Miss B xx

  4. Hi Miss B. I miss you so much. I just want to know How many days have you have been there? Have you done lots of fun things in Brazil? Hope you have a nice time in Brazil. Lots of wishes. Love SC and her mum

    Ola from Brazil SC! I am missing you too! I think right now you are online so I hope you can see this reply! I have been in Brazil now for 16 days. It's been great to see Joao and be with his family. I've done some interesting things. Ask Mrs T to read my emails to you. I will send her another one before you go on holidays. Love, Miss B xxx

  5. Hey Miss B! It's me Munisheel here, uh I just wanted to know if you have a Facebook account and uh-mm yeah I'm a Year 7 now and um how's life over there in Brazil I hope it's good because in two more years you have the Brazil 2014 World Cup coming. One more thing, I hope you can come back before I am a Year 8 and um for my soccer club I became captain and we have won the 2011 finals. I guess it's byeee from me now so, Byee! Enjoy yourself. Lots of wishes, Munisheel :D

    Ola Munisheel! How lovely to hear from you. I'm doing fine over in Brazil but miss my NZ friends and family and of course the children from school. It is holiday time here in Brazil now too and many children are playing soccer, flying kites and hanging out in front of the TV! I went on a trip with Jo's sister's family to another state and on the way there and back saw lots of soya, banana, sugar cane and coffee plantations. It was interesting to see the Brazilian countryside.

    Congratulations for becoming the captain of your soccer team and for winning the 2011 championship! That's so cool! I hope you do well this year too.

    Yes, I'm on FB but I don't allow students to be 'friends' with me so you can email me instead.

    Take care!
    Miss B

  6. Ok Miss B, but there is some bad news and it's I DON'T PLAY SOCCER ANYMORE. I suffered from an injury and I can't play as good as before. This is how the accident happened - me and another player were going for the ball and I got the ball off him and then he decided to slide tackle me but noone knew that he had spikes under his boots and spikes aren't allowed in soccer. They hit my knee it started bleeding and you now can kind of see my bone. This happened a week ago so I can't play soccer outside anymore. So now I have to rest. Most of the time I decide to be on the laptop.

    Thanks for the reply and thanks for being my teacher for those to wonderful years. I will never ever forget what a great teacher you were.


    P.S. I hope you come back to my Year 8 prizegiving.

    Hey there M! I hope your legs improves so you can play soccer again. Just watch out for spikes next time.

    I'm glad you have good memories of being in Room 14 for two years. What made it such a special class for you? Miss B

  7. Well, there a lot of great memories but the one I especially love was the Mini World Cup & how I got to be captain. But that still isn't my greatest moment yet! My greatest moment was before the end of the year when we made those strawberry lamingtons and biscuits with icing in the year 2009.
    OK, Miss B, gotta go! BYE TAKE CARE

    Hi there M! I'm glad that we had some fun times together in Room 14. One-day when you're an old man you'll remember those days fondly and hopefully you will also remember your old teacher with a smile! Miss B x

  8. Hey Miss B
    Sorry no one has given some comments for a while. It is really fun in Room 3. 2012's topic is Kiwiana. JT

    Ola JT! It's really nice to hear from you and to know that you're enjoy being a senior. I hope you learn a lot about NZ as you study Kiwiana! What are some Kiwiana that you already know about? Miss B

  9. Hi Miss B. Oh ... We forgot that you got married. Best wishes for you from KT and OT.

    Ola KT and OT. You are both so sweet for remembering Jo and I and sending us good wishes. Thank you ... but we didn't get married yet. We have to go to an office with some documents to apply to get married. We might be able to do that next week. Love, Miss B & Jo xx

  10. Sorry for no more comments Miss B. How is it going over there in Brazil? I miss you. I enjoy being in Room 3. Room 3 had a student teacher and her name was Miss Cubbon. Well some things that I learnt about Kiwiana are about the food, clothes and shoes that are part of NZ. My test results are 'well below' and some are 'at' the expected level. My STAR stanine is 6 and I'm on AT, but the rest are 'below' and 'well below'. When are you guys getting married? I really hope I make it into the Girl's Hockey Team and Soccer Team. I would really love to represent our school. During Assembly I got a Merit Award for having a go in all curriculum areas. I am really happy for you and Jo. Love you!xoxoxo. JT

    Hello JT! Great to hear that you learnt something about Kiwiana and that you're finding out about the things you need to learn this year. I'm sure that you will have a good attitude towards learning and that will mean that your test results later in the year will improve! There is always something to learn! I am still learning in Brazil. Every day I like reading something which feeds my mind. I'm reading a story about a family who adopted a homeless boy. I am learning that it is good to show kindness to others every chance we get. I'm also learning some Portuguese words but I'm becoming a lazy student so I'm not remembering so many as before. Love, Miss B

  11. Did you get my comment Miss B? Can you reply back to me plesase? I really want to hear from you. I miss you very much and I love you with all my heart. JT

    Hello JT. Sorry it took a while for me to upload the comments. I've been busy gathering some papers so that Jo can apply to come to NZ! I want him to come as soon as possible. Maybe I can bring him to visit PDS oneday! Love you too! Miss B

  12. No one has been giving comments at the moment right? It's not really nice. JT

    That's right JT. I guess it's hard to write comments when there are no new stories. This blog was really to document Room 14's learning in 2011. Perhaps Mrs P needs to set up a blog for Room 3's learning in 2012! Miss B

  13. Me too I am lazy to learn spanish but I'm not anymore becsuse it is FUN!!! I love it and bythe way Room 3 is the only one who is learning spanish. Our theme for Term 2 is Space I have learnt alot because I still remember some things from Stardome. I am working hard for my scores to go up. JT

    I made it in the girl's soccer tournement and I am so excited. JT


    You can visit me first. But its okay you didn't reply back.

    Hello JT! Sorry for not replying for ages. Joao and I have been really busy preparing some documents so he can come to NZ. I hope you have been learning a lot about space, soccer and had time to spend time with your mum too! Miss you. Miss B


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