
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Descriptive Writing

This week we had to write about Mathletics and Math Challenge and describe these activities so that others would understand what they are and how we play them. 


Mathletics is an internet maths game website we play on the computer.  You get to challenge people from other schools and there are levels like Level 1 or Level 2.  Mathletics helps you a lot because you get to know all your Maths!  When you improve you get awards for knowing all your Maths. 

When you want to start you have to put in your password first.  When you're finished putting in your password you clikc on 'sign in' and then it shows the maths games.

ST, Year 3


Mathletics is a type of website that has maths games on it for children to play.  You can play Mathletics on any computer but not on a broken one!  When you want to play on Mathletics you always have to have a username and a password so you can have a page of your own.  If you always get your answers correct and you score 100 points you might earn a certificate like Bronze, Silver or Gold.  Mathletics is a fun game for children to play.  Even if the questions are hard you can sometimes get help from someone that is with you.

LG, Year 5


Mathletics is a website where you play Maths games.  They can be challenging games.  You can play on it if you have a Username and Password.  You can make your own character.  You can get a Bronze, Silver or Gold Certificate.  You can't play on Mathletics if your computer is broken!

RD, Year 3


Mathletics is a website on the internet that allows you to play all kinds of maths games. 

You can't do Mathletics unless you have a password and username.  There's something on Mathletics that's interesting and that is two dictionaries.  When you play Mathletics there is a question mark button and if you click on it then it shows you an example.

I like Mathletics because you can get certificates.

KL, Year 3

Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge is a kind of game that teaches you how to learn your timestables such as the two times table, three times table and all others up to the twelve times tables.  The Maths Challenge can make some people clever by helping them to think before they say the answer for it.  When you win, your name has to move up above the name of the person that you were challenging and if the other person wins you have to go down where that person was before. 

JA, Year 5

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