
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wet Lunchtime in Room 14

When there's a wet lunchtime we have special games to play inside like UNO, Connect Four, blocks for building towers, BINGO, Snakes and Ladders, Dominoes plus many more.

Some people enjoy wet lunchtimes because they don't like getting wet.  If they get wet outside it would be like taking an outdoor shower!  Others don't like wet lunchtimes because they prefer to be outside playing games like soccer and tag or playing on the playground.

Here are some pictures of us playing on a wet day inside our classroom:


  1. The blog looks good and I like the big tower.

  2. Room 14 sure is a good class because they can find the right activity when it is a rainy day. But for those who don't like rain please just stay inside or else Miss B will get in deep trouble because you will get all wet...

    For those who like it to rain - good for you because you don't want to be wet or else you will get in trouble from your parents because you get wet.

    Good for you Miss B for putting this on the blog because if I got wet I would get in trouble.


  3. Hi Miss B and Room 14,
    It's fun to play different activities, isn't it?

  4. Well Room 14, I am so impressed with your photos. They looks so wonderful. It's good that you are inside with your classmates playing rather than being outside wet and cold. Your teacher must so proud of you and I am too. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  5. Thanks Room 14 for ideas about what activities we can play in our classroom during a wet lunchtime. I like the rain it is good for our class garden.
    A New Teacher in Papakura.


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