
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Paper Recycling

A man from Carter Holt Harvey visited our school to talk to us about the importance of recycling paper.  We saw a photo of a gigantic mountain of paper rubbish.  It looked disgusting!  The man explained to us that it is much better for our environment if we would reuse paper.

Carter Holt Harvey is a company that takes the paper and cardboard that we throw away and recycle it into new cardboard products!  What a good idea!

If the paper we don't want is sent to the Carter Holt Harvey factory they will sort it into grades depending on how many fibres it has.  It will be soaked in hot water and at that point any plastics or foreign materials will be scooped out.  Next the pulp is sent through a machine which flattens it into a long continuous sheet.  Next it is sent through a drying machine, then rolled onto a giant roll ready to be made into cardboard boxes.

Carter Holt Harvey will pay our school money for all the paper and cardboard that we put into our recycling bin!  We can bring lots of paper products to school for this project:
old books
egg cartons
cardboard boxes

We cannot bring any paper or cardboard that has held liquids or has been in contact with food.

Let's fill up our bin!

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