
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Story of a drop of water

Miss B read us a story about a drop of water.  It was really amazing!  We didn't realise that water is always recycled. 

The drop of water we read about fell into a puddle.  When the sun came up it evaporated back into the sky and as it rose it joined other water droplets in a cloud that floated over a high mountain.  As the cloud rose higher and higher the temperatures dropped and the water droplets froze into snowflakes.  Our drop of water fell as a snowflake onto the mountain.  In Spring the snow melted and our drop did too.  It flowed down a stream which eventually became a river.  Because there was so much melted snow the river burst its banks and flooded a town.  Our drop of water fell into a drain where it flowed back out into the countryside.  It eventually ended up on a farm.  A cow licked our drop of water and it went down inside the gut of the cow into his lungs.  As the cow breathed out our drop of water was exhaled as water vapour back into the atmosphere.  As the vapour rose up into the sky it cooled and condensed back into a water droplet.  Later the drop fell with other raindrops into a reservoir which provided water for a city.  Our drop went over the dam, through pipes and finally came out the tap and into a cup.  Someone drank it!  The water went through the kidneys, into the bladder and then into the toilet!  Our drop continued its journey through the sewer and into the water treatment plant where it was cleaned.  When the cleaning process was completed our water drop was sent back into the ocean where it evaporated back up into the sky again.  The cycle continues to today!

Wow!  Each drop of rain has a long story! 

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