
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Nature's Cycles

We have been learning about the Water Cycle recently and how water goes round and round in a continuous cycle.  We know that the Water Cycle is not the only cycle in nature!  Today we were thinking about poppies because we are going to paint some soon.  Miss B showed us some photos of some bright red poppies and we got thinking about how poppies start from buds.  The buds are so small at first.  It is amazing how something so small can contain something that can expand into a much bigger flower.  When the flower is old the petals drop off and a seed pod is left.  The seeds sprout and grow into new buds which continue the cycle all over again. 

Here are some of our sketches showing the life cycle of a poppy.

What other natural cycles can you think of?

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