
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Character Day

Today was Character Day at our school and everyone was encouraged to dress up as someone from a storybook.  We had lots of interesting looking characters at school and first thing we did this morning was to ask our friends who they had come dressed up as.

In our class we had a wide range of characters including...

Thumbellina, a fairytale character created by Hans Christian Anderson

Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean by Rob Kidd

Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Alana from Alana, Dancing Star by Arlene Phillips

Charlie from I am not sleepy and I will not go to bed by Lauryn Child

Melody from Melody and the Enchanted Harp by Elise Allen

Peter from Peter and the Pigs by Simon Grant and Jenny Cooper

Casey from The Dead End by Mimi McCoy

Cinderella from one of the world's oldest folktales

Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Pippi Longstocking from the book by the same name written by Astrid Lindgren

Here we have a two teacher-witches!  The first witch is from the Harry Potter series by J K Rowling and the second is from The Witches by Roald Dahl. 

The two best dressed characters were selected from each class to receive a special prize in our school Assembly.  SC and JC were the winners from our class.  Their costumes showed a high degree of creativity and showed that the children (and their parents) had closely studied their characters.  Well done to both of you!

Thank you to all our parents and caregivers who supported our Character Day by helping us to create such amazing costumes.  It was so fun to see all our friends enthusiastically sharing information about their favourite characters.  We are looking forward to Book Week next year when we can dress up all over again!


  1. What a fabulous looking bunch of characters. The effort put into each character is great to see room 14. When I look at who you have chosen to be I am very impressed. Im glad I did not have to choose the winners as I think all of you did extremely well.

    Its also nice to see the teachers taking the lead. What Fun!!!

    SC's Mum

  2. Hi Miss B and room14.
    I had lots of fun on the day. Sorry but i'm not Melody. I was Silky.

  3. Hello Room 14. Do you know who I am? I was in Room 14 last year but not anymore. I was obsessed with a game called SOCCER. I was the fastest in the class and the champion at Math Challenge .......................................................Do you know who I am? (Munisheel, former 14 student)


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