
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Librarians Come to Visit

Two lovely Librarians from the Panmure Library visited our school today dressed up as famous storybook characters!  Can you guess who they are?

Lucy told us a very funny story with puppets about a dog who was making all kinds of weird sounds.  Rather than making the sound of normal dog barking he started to baa like a sheep, cluck like a hen and purr like a kitten.  The vet discovered that the dog had been eating the other animals! 

Lucy also read us a book called Duck!  Rabbit!  It was an unusual book because some of us could see that the main character was a duck while others of us could see that it was definitely a rabbit.  What do you think it is?

We are very happy that the librarians came to visit us today to start of our Book Week celebrations.  It's wonderful to have friends like them in our community. 

1 comment:

  1. Lucy looks like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and her friend the not too scary pirate.
    I see a duck and then I see a rabbit. It must be a Ducabbit!. Amazing what we can see when we look hard enough. SC's mum


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