
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A well-loved Spanish song

'Los pollitos dicen' is one of the most famous Spanish children's songs.  It is just as well-loved asTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star is to us here in New Zealand!  We are learning how to sing this cute little song using a video from YouTube. 

Los pollitos dicen, pío, pío, pío.
Cuando tienen hambre
Cuando tienen frío.

La gallina busca, el maíz y el trigo,
Les dá la comida,
Y les presta abrigo.

Bajo sus dos alas, acurrucaditos,
Duermen los pollitos,
Hasta el otro día.

Repeat all verses

Cuando se levantan, dicen mamacita,
Tengo mucha hambre,
Dame lombricitas.

If you can't figure it out, the song is about a mother hen taking care of her chickens by feeding them and keeping them warm.

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