
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Greeting each other in Spanish

We were each given a special badge to wear to help us remember how to greet people in Spanish!  It was fun to wear the badges because people came up to us to ask us what it said.  We were able to remember how to say "Hello, how are you?" in Spanish.  Now we are learning how to respond in Spanish too!


  1. Miss B, I watch Dora to learn my Spanish and I also sing Spanish songs on my I-pod. I downloaded them from my computer. Isn't that cool? Answer me! JT

    Hola JT! I'm impressed that you have found a way to learn Spanish at home. Bravo! Miss B

  2. And also Miss B, I have a DVD and a CD that I can bring to school and speak Spanish to you and the class. JT

    That sounds good JT! Ask your mum and dad if you are allowed to bring them to school to show us. Miss B

  3. My mum and dad said that I can bring them to school. There is even a booklet for me to sing the songs in Spanish. JT


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