
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony

Rugby was the hot topic at school today!  It was the first thing we talked about!  All except one person in our class watched the Opening Ceremony of the Rugby World Cup along with the first match between New Zealand 'All Blacks' and the Tongans. 

Here is a list of what we really liked about the Opening Ceremony:

I liked when Jonah Lomu met up with the boy who acted and stood near the shiny trophy.  JT

I liked the haka that the All Blacks did.  SS

I liked seeing my auntie in the crowd!  SC

I liked when the two ladies sang 'The World in Union'.  SF

I liked the boy who acted as a great rugby player, the fireworks and that the All Blacks won!  KL

I liked the fireworks!  They were so colourful!  RD

I liked seeing the people dancing and singing from the top of the tall building.  LG

I liked the fireworks and when the All Blacks won the game.  RD

I liked the part where the hammerhead sharks were swimming in the water.  It was clever when the dancers made themselves look like sharks too.  ST

I liked how the Moari woman did the karakia while Maori patterns appeared on the stage.  SF

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