
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Special performance from Reading Group

Some students from the Middle School Reading Group including four students from our class performed in the school assembly today.  They have been working on their expression and fluency.  It was great to hear all the students recite their parts so confidently.  Great job guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Rm 14!!! I am a Shine Sun, and I graduated from PDS 7 years ago. It is wonderful to see how much the school has changed in these years; I was extremely surprised to see a picture of Mrs. Evans here, she was the teacher of my Yr. 2 class (Rm 12). I was once in Rm14 myself once, when Mrs. Kumar was our teacher. That was back when the classroom was just built- I liked how we had a bathroom and cloakroom to ourselves. I miss PDS a lot; I am now in University in the United States and I haven't been back to NZ ever since I graduated from PDS...please keep this blog going, and if it's possible at all, please send my best wishes to these following teachers and staff: Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Surgenor, Mr. Newton and the other lovely teacher who managed the grounds with him - I am very sorry to say I cannot recall his name; Mr. Butt from the reception office, and Miss. George from Rm.5!!! I would love to get in touch with them again; my email is feeling_gloomy@hotmail.com, feel free to email me!!


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