
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Haka (a description)

This year we have done a lot of work on how to write descriptions of objects and events.  Since the Rugby World Cup is occurring in our country we have been thinking about what makes our team special.  JT has written a description of the All Black's haka called 'Ka Mate' which they perform before each of their matches.  This haka is famous all over the world!

The Haka

A haka is a Maori dance that the All Blacks perform at their games.  Most other countries don't have hakas. 

The All Blacks do a haka to scare their opposition.  When the All Blacks do a haka they have to make a scary face.  We also do a haka at school.

The All Blacks do a haka before their matches.  During the haka the All Black leader shouts something in Maori and then the rest of the All Blacks poke out their tongues and spread their legs, bobbing down.  All of a sudden they say the haka and dance.

I think that the haka is really cool because it can make other teams scared and make them loose.  Also, the other teams still imagine it in their heads and it makes them loose.

JT, Year 5

If you would like to learn the haka that the All Blacks have made famous you can watch the following video:

Here is a video explaining the meaning of the Ka Mate haka.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for putting my story about the haka on the blog. I really deserved that. Stay healty every one and listen to your parents. Don't drive them nuts, drive them good.


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