
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Learning VALUES from rugby stars

At school we learn the values that are important to have if we are to live together in peace and harmony.  Some values relate to our competitive side.  We are looking at the values that we can relate to sports as well as our life in the classroom.

One value that every rugby player at the World Cup has right now is PRIDE.  We have also noticed that the Tongan supporters are very proud of their team and enjoy waving their flags and wearing red.  It is good to be proud of our heritage and background.  We have many cultures represented in our classroom and each one of them is special and important.  We must be proud of who we are and where we come from.  Listen to what Selala Mapusua from Samoa says about being proud of who they are.

When you work together as a team it is very important to have CAMARADERIE.  That is a fancy word that means that you have a strong bond with your team mates.  Camaraderie means that you will enjoy spending time with the team and that you will support each member happily and with enthusiasm.  We can also build camaraderie within our classroom setting and school body by being friendly, supportive and kind to others.  Ignacio Corleto from Argentina describes the camaraderie within his team.

To compete at a high level in sport or any other discipline you must have PASSION.  To be passionate means you have a strong desire to achieve something or to be the best you can.  At school we too should show passion for our learning because we all want to be successful in our lives.  We can show passion for learning by doing our homework, always producing our best work and taking the initiative to learn things by ourselves.  Russian rugby star, Vasily Artemyev talks about his passion for rugby and his desire to compete.

Most people want to be good at something but very few people can say that they were the best in the world in their chosen field.  Being a CHAMPION is something all sports-people strive for.  At school we should strive to be champion learners!  It is important to try to be the best people we can be so that we can make positive contributions to our families, school and society.  Hear John Smit from South Africa describe the victorious moment when his team became champions.

INTENSITY is an interesting word used to describe the pressure of a given situation.  Rugby players experience high levels of intensity during matches and lower levels at practice.  At times in our lives we too face increased levels of intensity, for example, during tests, in a family crisis or when we have to perform in public.  At school we need to determined and focused on being successful even in stressful or intense times.  Todd Clever, an American rugby player talks about the intensity of playing top level rugby.

Another value to be considered in life is TRADITION.  When we think about tradition we think about the special heritage we have and special rituals we follow.  Each culture has special traditions that make them special and unique.  Our school has traditions too, for example, at the end of the year the children who attend school every day are invited out to lunch!  Traditions are important because they help give us a sense of belonging, help us feel safe and secure in our identity, as well as wonderful moments to remember.  The Rugby World Cup has traditions too!  Jeff Wilson, a former All Black, discusses some of those.

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