
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Water Cycle

See what you know about the Water Cycle from this Reading comprehension activity:


Silver Award Winners

We have three more Silver Award winners in Mathletics!  We are so very proud of our hard-working mathematicians!  Congratulations to AD on winning his second Silver Award and also to JA and SC (not pictured) on gaining their first Silver Certificates.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Award winners for Week 4 of Term 2

At our school Assembly last Friday three students from our room were awarded certificates for their achievements during the week in class.  SS won a Merit Award for his series of photographs taken from various perspectives.  SB also won a Merit Award for her increased independence in Reading.  We are proud of both students for the hard work and determination that they have put in to their learning during the week.

JT was awarded the Reader of the Week prize for our class.  She has been able to successfully summarize the main point of a section of text.  Well done JT!

Maths Test Results

We sat a Maths test last week to see how much we have learnt since the start of the year.  Our teacher made graphs to show our progress since the last test.  Most of us have made a good improvement and some of us, like RD and AR, surprised our teacher with our excellent progress. 

Look at the graphs below to see if you can figure out which student has made the biggest improvement in each of the Mathematical strands over the past term. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Suzanne McLean inspired paintings

We have been studying some of the paintings of the contemporary Canadian artist Suzanne McLean.  She loves exploring nature through art, and in particular, we have been fascinated by some of her paintings of birch trees.  We've used two of Suzanne's paintings as a basis for our own as we explore various ways to apply paint.  We made our paintings by working on the backgrounds first.  We used acrylic paint and applied it using sponges as well as brushes.  When we worked on the foreground of our paintings we put the paint on with brushes and small pieces of thick cardboard. 

Thank you Suzanne McLean for inspiring us and being the catalyst for our learning in art.

HG, Year 4

AD, Year 4
AR, Year 3

AM, Year 5

RD, Year 4

LU, Year 4

RD, Year 3

SC, Year 3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Budding Photographers

We are learning to take photos from different perspectives.  Today a number of us took pictures of various subjects around our school.  Miss B was very excited when SS took a stunning shot of the tree outside our classroom.  She told us that it was one of the best photos she's ever seen!  What do you think about it?

Here are SS's other photographs:


TP's subject was the globe.  She zoomed in on France!


SS took photos of a computer.  She zoomed in on letter S because that's the first initial of her name!


JT was interested in a poster on the wall showing marine creatures.


 UM took close up photos of our school sign so that the textures and patterns were clearly seen.

 TT loves soccer so he took photos of a ball from different angles.

LG examined the clock on the classroom wall to see what interesting shots she could take.


ST found that even a classroom chair can be an interesting subject!


AM found a lovely leafy tree to photograph.

 SF took some fascinating shots of our playground at school. 

 RD's subject was a pure white lily. 


DO explored the school gate and padlock in her series of photos. 

AD took pictures of our God's Eyes.