
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Suzanne McLean inspired paintings

We have been studying some of the paintings of the contemporary Canadian artist Suzanne McLean.  She loves exploring nature through art, and in particular, we have been fascinated by some of her paintings of birch trees.  We've used two of Suzanne's paintings as a basis for our own as we explore various ways to apply paint.  We made our paintings by working on the backgrounds first.  We used acrylic paint and applied it using sponges as well as brushes.  When we worked on the foreground of our paintings we put the paint on with brushes and small pieces of thick cardboard. 

Thank you Suzanne McLean for inspiring us and being the catalyst for our learning in art.

HG, Year 4

AD, Year 4
AR, Year 3

AM, Year 5

RD, Year 4

LU, Year 4

RD, Year 3

SC, Year 3

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