
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Descriptive Writing about families


A family is a group of people that love each other.  It can be a big group of people.



A family is a group of people who are loving.  You can find families going on vacation or in their houses.  Families look like people who are happy.  Families sound like people who are together having fun.  Families live in houses or in other places like apartments, garages or caravans.  Families are special because God created them.  Families can go for a camp such as at the beach, wilderness or farm.  That's what families can do.  Some aunties and uncles or grandparents can visit their families so that they can see if they're alright.  Some teenagers can babysit their younger brothers and sisters so that the parents can go out.  I think that families are important because if you get hurt you need your family to support and help you.


My Family

A family is a group of people that take care of each other.  There are different kinds of families.  A family is group of people that help each ohter and participate together.  A family looks good when they are happy.  A family is special because they support each other.  A family has parents and children.



A family is a group of people that are related to you.  The people that are related to you can be your auntie or uncle, grandma or grandpa and cousins.  your family can look black or white.  your family is special how ever they look.  My family is special in a helping way.  My family helps each other even though it is hard.  I think having a family that is loving and helpful is special.


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