
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Budding Photographers

We are learning to take photos from different perspectives.  Today a number of us took pictures of various subjects around our school.  Miss B was very excited when SS took a stunning shot of the tree outside our classroom.  She told us that it was one of the best photos she's ever seen!  What do you think about it?

Here are SS's other photographs:


TP's subject was the globe.  She zoomed in on France!


SS took photos of a computer.  She zoomed in on letter S because that's the first initial of her name!


JT was interested in a poster on the wall showing marine creatures.


 UM took close up photos of our school sign so that the textures and patterns were clearly seen.

 TT loves soccer so he took photos of a ball from different angles.

LG examined the clock on the classroom wall to see what interesting shots she could take.


ST found that even a classroom chair can be an interesting subject!


AM found a lovely leafy tree to photograph.

 SF took some fascinating shots of our playground at school. 

 RD's subject was a pure white lily. 


DO explored the school gate and padlock in her series of photos. 

AD took pictures of our God's Eyes.


  1. Good job Room 14! You did really well with taking photos of your objects. The one that I loved the most was RD's photo of a lily! WELL DONE RD!

  2. Well Room 14, I really love your amazing work. I'm really impressed with your photos and also your lovely blog. Thanks to your wonderful teacher Miss B, oh, and also you Room14! Well done!

  3. Dear Miss B,
    All of the pictures are really cool but do you think that is all of the pictures?

  4. Hi Miss B and Room 14,
    I just love SS's photos. They are fabulous! I like the picture of the tree that is on the left side best. Well done SS!

  5. I like AM's photo because it has my feet in it! From S.S


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