
This blog is a record of the learning done by Room 14 students in 2011. We hope you enjoy reading about what we've learnt.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Today we talked about the royal wedding that took place in London last Friday. 
It was a spectacular wedding!  Most of us stayed up late to watch it on television.
Prince William is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II. 
His father is Prince Charles and his mother was Princess Diana.
Unfortunately Princess Diana died in a car accident when he was only 15.
Many parts of the wedding ceremony were done in her memory.
Prince William is greatly loved because he takes after his mother.
We hope he will bring his new wife to New Zealand to visit us very soon.
We'd love them to come to our classroom to see us!

Royal Wedding

A royal wedding is when two people from a royal family get married.  Prince William's wedding was last Friday.  Lots of royal weddings happen in Westminster Abbey.  In a royal wedding special people come, like musicians and some guests from the royal family. 

RD, Year 3

Royal Wedding

A royal wedding is a wedding for the royal family.  Last Friday, April 29th, Prince William and Kate got married at the Westminster Abbey in the middle of London. 

HG, Year 4

1 comment:

  1. A few weeks ago Prince William got married to Princess Catherine in London. It was so romantic and I felt sooooo happy for them. I hope they have a happy life.

    PS I loved Princess Catherine's wedding dress!


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